67 people registered with Future Pathways.
28 people started working with a Support Coordinator.
109 people accessed support from 37 Delivery Partners.
The average age of people who registered with us was 43.
57% of people registered with us live in Scotland’s most populated areas.
We continue to find that people we support are more likely to live in deprived areas.
Most of the feedback we received from people registered with us was positive.
People shared that they felt Future Pathways understood and cared about them.
People also told us that not being able to access material support sometimes can be difficult.
Many people told us that counselling, and support to improve their home environment, makes a big difference. Here, John tells us what he gained from accessing mental health support from Future Pathways:
People shared what changed in their life after accessing support from Future Pathways.
People shared the impact of their work with Future Pathways. For some people, this was lifechanging.
Graham Wells is a financial coach. Financial coaching is about helping people to change their feelings or thoughts about money.
Graham says: “Often when people seek support, they worry that they will come across as being stupid. But it is not about telling people what they have done wrong or telling them what they should do differently.” Instead, Graham explains, it is about helping them to look after their money in a better way.
There are two sides to what Graham does.
One side is helping people learn more about how money works. This might be things like how to build an emergency fund or how to keep track of money. He helps people to work out what is important. And this helps people to develop better money habits.
The other side of what Graham does is helping people to change the way they behave in relation to money. Sometimes Graham gives people tasks. For example, making lists of where their money comes from and where it goes.
People can feel much better when they have control of their money.
Graham’s 5 steps for looking after your money.
Spend your time and money in line with your values and what is important to you. Do not forget your future self.
Find the best way for using and repaying debt. Know the difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ debt.
Prepare for things you do not expect. Build peace of mind for you and your loved ones
‘Wealthy’ and ‘rich’ are not the same. Wealth means looking after your whole life, not just your money.
Make a plan for how you would like to spend your time as you get older. Do not leave it to others to define your life path.
I was one of the first ones in the door at Future Pathways. I recall meeting the team, and I had been given Garry as my Support Coordinator. I remember getting a cup of tea with both Garry and Flora. Because of the mental and physical brutality I was exposed to in the secure units, I had developed an underlying diagnosis of severe Complex PTSD. Thanks to Garry and Future Pathways I was able to access counselling to discuss this and come to terms with it.
I felt that the phone was always on when I needed the service, they were always just a call away.
As each year progressed, I felt I was getting better and better, the support from Future Pathways helped me in so many various ways. It helped me trust institutions again which I would never have thought possible due to my past.
Now I have reached a point with my Support Coordinator here today, I feel it is now the time to break away from the service. I want to thank you all for the support through a number of challenges, from my physical health decline to help accessing counselling and other supports for my mental wellbeing.
I can’t believe how much I have moved on from being an angry person to the polar opposite. I now feel like each day I am becoming more and more positive. My Spina Bifida could very well be the result of the physical beatings I received in my youth – but again Future Pathways got me in touch with a clinic in Edinburgh which helped with the diagnosis of this. As a result, this allowed for me to prepare and begin to manage my life accordingly.
I mean this with complete sincerity, I don’t think I would have been here now if it was not for Future Pathways. Now it is my time to move on and let someone else get the support which I have been so thankful for.
All the best,
Sandy Sutherland
Future Pathways supported Roberto in his goal to have more time out of his busy life. He had thought about his needs and knew that he had a passion for time outdoors. He was keen to make sure he could still go biking and camping in the winter months. This freedom would help his mental health.
But, he knew he did not have the right equipment. So, Future Pathways supported Roberto to get a new tent. This means he can now take time out anytime during the year, even if it is cold. This has helped to boost Roberto’s mental health.
Roberto completes his trips with a good friend. This gives him time to talk with someone who understands him and it allows their friendship to grow. They especially like visiting Orrin Dam and Lochan Fada.
Above: Lochin Fada
Above: Orrin Dam
Above: Loch Vaich
Above: Loch Vaich
Future Pathways supported Trevor to write his book in 2019. In the book, Trevor describes the different times of his life. He writes about the time with his family and also his life after leaving care. The book includes his time as a child in care homes.
Trevor wanted to share his own record of his time in care. And he wanted to explain the impact it had on his life. Trevor talks in his book about his experiences, thoughts and feelings.
It was important for Trevor to write his book. It gave him the chance to get his thoughts down on paper. He also wanted to make sure other people knew his story and he thought it might help them too.
The book includes some of Trevor’s poems. We have included two of them below.
If you would like a copy of Trevor’s book for free, he is happy to share it over email. You can ask for a copy by emailing Trevor at t.swistchew65@gmail.com or by emailing Future Pathways at engagement@future-pathways.co.uk.
Please note that the book does mention some instances of abuse.
Listen –
When it is dark
The sun is shining
When it is light
The sun is shining –
It is not bars a prison makes
It is what is in your head.
For each constructs within the mind
Their walls and locks and chains.
If you can look just for a while
At the views that you believe
You will start to see it is yourself
Whom you yourself deceive.
Freedom in the true sense
Is the end of all self-illusion.
Walk in love – harm no one.
“It all started because I wanted other people to come and film the cricket field near where I live in Canada. I found myself saying ‘somebody should’. Every time I find myself saying ‘somebody should’, then usually that is a signal to say, ‘you’ll have to do it yourself’. And then when lockdown happened, I thought, well, here is an opportunity to get a drone and learn to fly it. Future Pathways helped me to get some training and certification.
At first, I thought that if I could combine beautiful landscapes with classical music, it would make some spectacular videos. Because it is a very different perspective when you are 100ft up in the air. And then I started to create some still images by taking parts out of the drone videos.
Then, because I was interested in old travel posters, I learned how to remaster images and how to blow them up large. And then from that, I figured out how to transform pictures digitally.
So, by combining all these things, I managed to create a type of art which I was not originally able to do.
I love taking the drone on holiday with me too, particularly to France. Every three metres, there’s something extraordinary to film!”
Above: Notre Dame de Camarès in the Sud Aveyron, France
Above: Mont-Saint-Hilaire and the river Richelieu, Québec
Above: Camarès, Le Balcon du Monde, France.
Above: Le Rougier de Camarès, France.
People tell us it is important that they:
So, we encourage services we work with to have a trauma-informed approach too.
Below, we give a short introduction to trauma and give a few pointers about things you can keep in mind when working with someone affected by trauma.
Trauma is when a person experiences something as physically or emotionally harmful or life threatening. Trauma can come from an event, a series of events or an ongoing situation. Not everyone will be affected in the same way.
Trauma can have a lasting effect on people’s mental, physical and emotional wellbeing and can leave people with a sense that they are not safe in some situations or around some people.
Trauma can affect people in different ways at different times. It can also affect someone a long time after an incident has happened.
Trauma can cause people to feel distressed or fearful. Some people may find it harder to trust people or may struggle to manage emotions. For others, trauma can mean a person might find it harder to look after themselves or they may also live with disabilities or health conditions. Everyone experiences trauma differently.
It evolved from my own counselling and therapy practice, which I started around 2001. The ethos behind it was very much to offer a service that was very client-centred, and able to understand the needs of people in different situations in their lives. I was very keen for it to be very transparent, to provide lots of information, and to not be too diagnostic and or expert-led.
Initially I worked a lot with men – trying to encourage men to consider therapy and to engage more with their mental health. That grew and evolved to eventually become First Psychology, with the same kind of ethos, philosophy and approach. It was initially based in Edinburgh; since then, we’ve expanded throughout Scotland, and are now moving into northern England.
We still very much focus on working with clients and trying to find the best things for clients. Our philosophy is what we call ‘pluralistic’: that means we’ve got different types of practitioners in our organisation. We’re very much a therapy organisation – people from counselling and psychotherapy backgrounds, people from cognitive behavioural therapy and other specialist types of therapy, and also some psychologists. And what we try and do is find the right clinician for every client. We’ve got a services team who help our clients to find what they need.
We’re a fairly broad group of people now: we have around 150 clinicians working across our organisation. We try to take advantage of that by having lots of training in–house. We’ve got a lot of professional and clinical leadership in–house, in areas such as children and families, couples, and trauma.
We start by speaking to the person themselves, or to someone who knows them well. People want different things. Some people want to talk about their experiences, and just have a place to feel heard, and to be valued and validated. Others are looking for techniques and strategies to help them manage particular difficult experiences they might have. So, we talk to the person themselves, and they are the decision–maker.
Then we can say, ‘These are the people we have available who do the kind of things that you are looking for’, and we might suggest that the person meets with a particular clinician. In that initial session the clinician can figure out whether what they do and how they work is going to be helpful for the client.
It’s very much a discussion about the next steps, rather than starting anything. You might establish what that particular clinician can offer, and agree a plan or a process of therapy.
If it doesn’t work in that first session – for example, if the clinician feels that a different approach might be better, or that the client needs something other than therapy – then we help the client find that other thing themselves. We might advise the client, ‘This is where I think you should go’, or we might refer them to someone else at First Psychology.
Yes, it is. What you tend to find is that a lot of services are either clinician–led or theory-led. Either the clinician has got a particular interest, or there’s a particular philosophy that the people who run the service believe in, and that’s basically what you get. Whereas, we think that clients themselves should be making decisions about what they need, in discussion with clinicians.
It’s not the client simply saying ‘I want that’ and getting it. If someone wants something that we think is not actually going to be helpful to that person, or it’s not something that we feel can offer, we’d have a conversation.
So certainly we’re quite unusual. I think that’s why we’ve grown over the years: we’ve innovated and changed in response to demands from people.
Yes, I think that’s absolutely the case. And I think that there are different types of experiences people have, and different reasons why they might feel apprehensive or unsure about whether therapy is something they want to pursue. Obviously, people may have had bad experiences with authority in the past, and they might in some ways imagine that therapy involves authority.
And, to be honest, there are just natural anxieties about entering into something like therapy, which may feel very unknown and very uncertain because it’s not something you do every day. So, it’s naturally an activity that is going to be hard for people to start. It’s not an easy thing to do.
Over the years we’ve tried different ways of being as open as we can to different types of experiences that people have had, and really thinking through what it is like for someone coming for therapy. In our service team we have an ‘every contact counts’ philosophy. So, if someone phones up but they don’t book a session, we see that as a good thing, not a bad thing. We want to help. And if someone says, ‘Look, I just want information’, that’s fine. We’re not trying to force anyone to do anything, because we want to help people begin in their own minds to break down the barriers.
Not everyone will come to therapy, not everyone is going to be helped by therapy. I mean, it’s a process that I think generally can be pretty helpful, but there may be other things that are equally helpful to someone in a particular set of circumstances. So, again, it comes back to this philosophy of being very client–centred, and wanting to help people find what they need for themselves.
So we provide information and support, we answer questions, we’re very open and transparent, we offer sessions at different times in the day in different locations, we offer telephone and remote sessions… all of these things making it as possible as it can be for different people to access the service in the way that works for them.
Yes, I think so. I think we share a real emphasis on client–centeredness in our way of working.
Obviously, one difference is that First Psychology is a business. We’re independent: we function and we make our living from doing therapy, which is a good thing because it enables us to do it in the way that we really believe in, rather than being beholden to other organisations and so on. The downside, of course, is that we have to charge, and that’s something that we try our best to manage.
But, I certainly think, having worked with Future Pathways, that there is a lot of overlap in the way that we work. Ultimately, I think we’ve both got the same thing at heart, which is that it matters to us that people are helped and given the support that they themselves feel is helpful to them, rather than imposing something on them.
And that is absolutely how we would see every single client who comes through our door.
We’d like to develop our relationship with Future Pathways, and we can see the opportunity for that. And obviously, as we get to know each other better, we’re really responsive and open to any feedback and support that we get from Future Pathways and the people they support. It’s a relationship that’s growing, and that I hope will continue to grow.
The line will close at 4pm on Friday 20 December 2024 and reopen on Monday 6 January 2025.
The line will close at 4pm on Thursday 17 April. It will open again at 10am on Monday 28 April.
The line will close at 4pm on Friday 4 July. It will open again on Monday 14 July.
The line will close at 4pm on Friday 10 October. It will open again on Monday 20 October.
The Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like. You can talk in your own way about whatever is going on. They have a helpline, email service, letter service and a self-help app.
Helpline open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Phone for free on 116123
Breathing Space is a free and confidential phone service for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 who is feeling low, depressed or anxious.
Open 6pm to 2am Monday to Thursday, and 6pm to 6am Friday to Sunday.
Phone for free on 0800 83 85 87
Shout is a free, confidential, text messaging support service for anyone who is finding it difficult to cope.
Text SHOUT to 85258
It took time for John to feel ready to seek support, and he had to wait many months for support to start. Although John understood why the waiting list was necessary, it was difficult to be “on hold.”
Since starting to access support from his Support Coordinator, Future Pathways has felt different to the other services John has accessed in the past.
For example, when John spoke with his Support Coordinator about his difficulty with sleeping, his Support Coordinator helped him explore why this was and supported him to purchase a new bed.
When John was struggling to pay energy bills, Future Pathways linked him up with a charity which helped him apply for a grant to alleviate this pressure.
Future Pathways also enabled John to access ongoing support with his mental health. Now, John can speak to someone regularly about how he is coping and explore how he can take care of his mental health. Accessing mental health support has made a long–term difference to John’s life.
Now, John feels he understands himself and his mental health better, and he has access to the support he needs to move forward in his life. John is more linked up with his GP and is starting to engage with the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry. Accessing support through Future Pathways has helped John to learn more about himself, prioritise his mental health and make positive changes to his life.
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