Latest Future Pathways update is out now!

More than 1,000 people had registered for support with Future Pathways by summer 2019, according to the latest quarterly report.

There was an average of 40 registrations a month, with an increase in the number signing up from out-with the central belt and the rest of the UK.

And all the registrations from the rest of the world came exclusively from people who are now living in Australia.

The number of older adults registering increased due to the launch of the Scottish Government’s Advance Payment Scheme for those aged over 70 or who have a terminal illness.

The report, which covers April to June this year, also contains a financial breakdown of what was spent by Future Pathways.

You can read the report by clicking here.

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Notepad with pencils.

Donnie’s poetry

We love sharing creative pieces from people we support. Here, Donnie shares his poetry with us.

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