Access to Records

This information and guidance has been produced by the members of Voices for a Better Future. It is to help anyone who is trying to access their records from when they were in care as a child.
The group hopes that the information and advice is helpful and hopefully makes accessing your records a little easier.

Voices for a Better Future is a lived experience voice group. It brings together people who experienced abuse or neglect while they were children in the Scottish care system. Members of the group want to make a difference. They want to help improve services and support for others.

The information is available as a booklet and as an Easy Read version too. 

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A hand holding a small sketchpad and a paintbox in front of an ocean view.

Getting creative

Creative activities can help us to feel more relaxed and positive. Here, we share more about how creativity can support mental wellbeing.

Access to Records

Information and guidance has been produced by the members of Voices for a Better Future to help anyone who is trying to access their records from when they were in care as a child.

Being There

Our latest report, Being There, looks at the prevalence of multiple unmet basic needs among people we support. The report also considers the barriers people face when accessing support and how we can help people to navigate these barriers.

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