New ways to give feedback

In September 2023, Future Pathways started using new ways of gathering feedback about people’s experience with the service.
Sharing your feedback with us means we can keep improving Future Pathways and get better at helping the people we support. And that is something that is very important to us.

Since September, 7 people have given us feedback. Most of this has come through the new form on our website. Here are some of the things we learned.

Most people said that their experience with Future Pathways had been mostly positive.

People described Future Pathways as:
Five words, each in coloured speech bubbles: patient, helpful, supportive, considerate, friendly.

People said that they feel we listen to them, do our best and work hard to improve. People also said that they liked having access to different types of support.

People told us about changes in their lives that we helped them to make. Two people said that we helped them to reconnect with family members. One person told us that our support helped them survive a difficult time. Another said that Future Pathways helped them get out and about. Another is writing a book with our help.

People suggested ways that we could improve, such as:

• working with local employment services to help people with mental health challenges find work
• making our waiting list better
• reaching out to more people who could benefit from the service.

You can give us feedback at any time through our feedback page on our website
If you would like to get a copy of the feedback form by post instead, you can let us know by:

• emailing
• writing to us at Future Pathways, 40 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh, EH2 4RT
• speaking to your Support Coordinator
• calling our Registration Line on 0808 164 2005

We want to hear your feedback about what we do well and how we should improve.

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The Gathering 2025

Join us at The Gathering at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on Tuesday 4 February and Wednesday 5 February to discover more.

Notepad with pencils.

Donnie’s poetry

We love sharing creative pieces from people we support. Here, Donnie shares his poetry with us.

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