Our latest Quarterly Report is now available to view. It covers our work from October to December 2022. It shows what we’ve learnt, and includes key stats and feedback from those who access Future Pathways.
This quarter:
- 60 people started working with a Support Coordinator.
- Most people heard about us from friends and family, or from statutory services.
- We supported 202 people to access support.
- We worked with 53 delivery partners.
- People shared they wanted to expand their social network and improve their living environment.
- People told us that working with us gave them an increased sense of purpose, independence, and self-awareness.

When agreeing a support plan, we ask people what difference they envisage these outcomes having in their lives.
People highlighted that they hoped these outcomes would positively affect their relationships, and their mental wellbeing. The word cloud below shows the themes which emerged from people’s answers.

People shared with us how the support can help create a positive outlook