Quarterly Report April-June 2024

Our latest Quarterly Report is now available to view. It covers our work from April to June 2024. It shows what we’ve learnt, and includes key stats and feedback from those who access Future Pathways.
What happened in Q4

58 people registered with Future Pathways.

8 people started working with a Support Coordinator

102 people accessed support from 39 Delivery Partners.

Who we worked with

The average age of people who registered with us was 48.

72% of people registered with us live in Scotland’s most populated areas.

How people felt

We received positive feedback from people we support, and we also received suggestions for how we could improve.

People shared that they felt Future Pathwyas understood and cared about them. Many people also shared that they felt able to trust Future Pathways.

“They listened – they cared – they supported me.” (Person supported by Future Pathways)
What people gained

People accessed a mix of different types of support in Q1. Many people told us that they feel able to access the support that is right for them.

Many people accessed support from our Delivery Partners, such as record search and psychological support.

Many people accessed support from our Discretionary Fund, such as support to make their home feel safe and comfortable, and to explore their interests.

People also accessed support to link up with existing services, such as social work and healthcare.

What changed for people

People shared what changed in their life after accessing support from Future Pathways.

“They helped to make my day to day living easier.” (Person supported by Future Pathways)
What difference we made

People shared the impact of their work with Future Pathways. Some people gave us feedback that, now, they feel more hopeful about their future.

“You have a way of showing that there is a way forward. [The support] is giving me my life back.” (Person supported by Future Pathways)
Our full report features further infographics, feedback and a breakdown of our financial spend. 

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Being There

Our latest report, Being There, looks at the prevalence of multiple unmet basic needs among people we support. The report also considers the barriers people face when accessing support and how we can help people to navigate these barriers.

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Existing Services Survey

If you work in the third sector or in a statutory service, we’d like to know what you think of Future Pathways. Take part in our latest survey for services.

The Gathering 2025

Join us at The Gathering at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on Tuesday 4 February and Wednesday 5 February to discover more.

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