Pathways to Change

Our latest impact report, Pathways to Change, helps us to gain a deeper insight into how we make a real difference, and where there is scope for improvement.

The report takes an in-depth look at the work of Future Pathways from April 2023 to March 2024.

Weaving together insights, reflections and key figures, the report highlights that support – and its impact – can evolve over time, how everyone’s experience is unique, and the ways our relational approach can create a ripple effect across wider services.

Key facts and figures

What people say

“My trust in my intuition was nil, but when I met with Future Pathways I was put at ease – you are so non-judgemental. I trusted you and that, for me, was the main thing I needed.”

“It’s the small, huge things that make a difference – Just to speak with someone who understands.”

“Before I accessed this support, I didn’t know why I couldn’t function. [Future Pathways] helped me figure it out for myself. And I am still figuring it out. But now I am on that journey.”

We look forward to the next steps of our learning journey. In the meantime, we hope our report prompts conversation and change so that people can access the support that is right for them.