Quarterly Report April to June 2022 

Our latest Quarterly Report is now available to view. It covers our work from April to June 2022 and what we’ve learnt, highlighted by key stats and first-hand experiences from those who access Future Pathways.

This quarter:

  • People increasingly used our newsletter and website to stay connected to Future Pathways.
  • We contacted 112 people from our waitlist.
  • 85% of people who registered with us live in Scotland.
  • 41% of people heard about us by word of mouth.
  • We supported 215 people to access support.
  • We referred people to 40 delivery partners. 45% of these referrals were for record searches, and 32% were for counselling support. 
  • Most people who completed reviews told us we had helped have a positive impact.
  • People told us Future Pathways helped with building positive relationships, developing their confidence, and made them feel supported and able to enjoy things.
Survivors are aware of support and come forward to access assistance
Where do the people we work with live?

Our full report features further infographics, a range of case studies and a breakdown of our financial spend. Read the full report.

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Accessing Records in Scotland

A new report brings together findings about what it is like for people with care experience to access their records.

Smyllum Memorial Service 2024

Each year, INCAS supports a memorial service for the deceased children of Smyllum and all children who have died while in care. This year, the memorial service will be held on Saturday 3 August at 1pm, at St Mary’s Cemetery in Lanark.

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