Making Pathways Together

We strive to enhance the service we provide. So, we decided to look at how we can improve the experience of the people we support. We did this by asking for feedback from people who access the service. Journey Associates helped us with this. They are a company that helps people to improve their work. They created the project for us.  

Making Pathways Together

The project was online and ran from 2020 to 2022. These online workshops gave people the chance to give feedback. They looked at key areas. Different themes came up: 

  • Communication  
  • Our structure and approach 
  • Our support and resources 
  • Engagement events and socials 
  • Promoting our service 
  • Alliance Leadership Team 
  • Working with other services 
  • Services that suit different people
  • Support for life-changing events 
  • Support across a person’s life 
  • Personal resilience  

Then three broad topics became clear: 

  • Communications 
  • Future Pathways’ Structure 
  • Engagement Events and Socials 

Each of these topics had a range of actions. For example, making sure more people know about us or explaining our support more clearly. 

The people who took part created posters. These were like the front page of a magazine or a newsletter. They showed their ideas for how to improve Future Pathways.  

Then Journey Associates created a report for us. It included all the posters that people made. It also showed all the steps of the project, the things people discussed and what people want us to do. We have read this carefully. We have thought about the things we have done since the feedback. And we have also thought about what we can do in the future. You can view a summary of this below. It covers: Communications, Structure and Engagement. 

We would like to thank everyone who took part in Making Pathways Together. Their feedback helps us to improve our service for the people we support.  
Read the full Making Pathways Together report. 
We always want to hear your views about our service. If you would like to share them with us, you can fill in our feedback form or email us at 

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Being There

Our latest report, Being There, looks at the prevalence of multiple unmet basic needs among people we support. The report also considers the barriers people face when accessing support and how we can help people to navigate these barriers.

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Existing Services Survey

If you work in the third sector or in a statutory service, we’d like to know what you think of Future Pathways. Take part in our latest survey for services.

The Gathering 2025

Join us at The Gathering at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on Tuesday 4 February and Wednesday 5 February to discover more.

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