Creative activities can help us to feel more relaxed and positive. Here, we share more about how creativity can support mental wellbeing.
Taking part in creative activities can be positive. It can help us to socialise and stop us feeling bored. But it can also really help our physical and mental health. Creative activities can:
- Help us to relax
- Reduce anxiety
- Make us feel proud
- Help us feel more positive
- Support us to cope better with stress
Art and creativity can help support mental health. And anyone can give it a go. Here are some ideas:

Draw in the sand
If you live near a beach, you could draw shapes or pictures in the sand. This can help you to relax and clear your mind

Start a picture journal
Journals or diaries do not need to just be words. You can draw pictures instead. This can help us to reflect on the day

Draw outside
Taking a notepad and pencil with you outdoors can help to relax. And it can help you to get in touch with nature or notice things round you.

Make a collage
A collage is a picture made of different pieces of paper. You can cut out pictures, colours or words. And you can arrange them any way you like.