Getting better by degrees

Marie-Anne, who we work with, wrote this article for us about her recovery
journey, and how we are helping her to get a University Degree in Criminology.

My name is Marie-Anne. I first became involved with Future Pathways to help find my care records and piece my life together. I don’t think I was fully prepared for the rollercoaster that would be presented with once I received my records and realised that I was definitely in fact a survivor of multiple childhood traumas.

I became homeless for quite a number of years and didn’t address the trauma until I reached my late 20s. By then, I had enduring mental health difficulties.

That being said, I don’t regret knowing what had happened to me in early childhood and teenage
years. It did take more than a decade though to take back my life and own my own journey. 

I started with an amazing mental health charity that helped me to slowly regain my self-esteem.

I then found an organisation called Venture Scotland, where I took part in a personal
self-development outdoor adventure programme. That took nearly two years.

Eventually, I became involved with Future Pathways. I may be biased, but they became my
absolute heroes. I don’t think I would have had the chance to reach my full potential through
learning, education, and self-discovery, if it wasn’t for the all the support and encouragement from my coordinator Suzie and from Future Pathways as a whole.

My dream was to study Criminology and Criminal Justice, as these have been my absolute passion for as long as I can remember.

With experiencing abuse and trauma in my past, I also wanted to reclaim my life and regain some form of empowerment.

So, I started a BA (Hons) Degree in Criminology with The Open University in Scotland. So far, I
have completed four years and graduated with a Diploma of Higher Education in Criminology. I
still have some way to go though: I have two more years left before I complete my honours

This journey I have been on has been emotional, enlightening, difficult, brave and motivational.

I really don’t know where I would be in terms of my self-worth and growth without the massive
contribution from Future Pathways.

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Accessing Records in Scotland

A new report brings together findings about what it is like for people with care experience to access their records.

Smyllum Memorial Service 2024

Each year, INCAS supports a memorial service for the deceased children of Smyllum and all children who have died while in care. This year, the memorial service will be held on Saturday 3 August at 1pm, at St Mary’s Cemetery in Lanark.

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