Financial redress for in care abuse survivors announced

Legislation to provide financial redress to people who were abused in care as children is set to be introduced in Scotland this year.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney has confirmed that the Redress (Survivors of In Care Abuse) (Scotland) Bill will be introduced in the Scottish Parliament following its summer recess.

He has set out his intentions in a letter to Education and Skills Convener Clare Adamson MSP, which has been published on the Scottish Parliament website.

Mr Swinney made a statement in Parliament in October 2018 giving a commitment to establishing a financial redress scheme for survivors of child abuse in care and ensuring that the legislation for it is passed before the end of the Parliamentary term in March 2021, subject to parliamentary approval.

A total of 280 people took part in a public consultation on the redress scheme at the end of 2019, and a report on the results was published in March this year.

For more information about the redress scheme, please go to the Scottish Government website.

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Accessing Records in Scotland

A new report brings together findings about what it is like for people with care experience to access their records.

Smyllum Memorial Service 2024

Each year, INCAS supports a memorial service for the deceased children of Smyllum and all children who have died while in care. This year, the memorial service will be held on Saturday 3 August at 1pm, at St Mary’s Cemetery in Lanark.

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