If you need help with the cost of living, there are a range of places you can access support. We’ve gathered the resources below to help guide you. We will keep updating this with further information as often as we can. 

Financial support and advice

Scottish Government

Scottish Government has information on support during the cost of living crisis. The website includes support for energy, bills, benefits debt, health and more. www.gov.scot

Citizens Advice Scotland 

Citizens Advice Scotland can offer you free, confidential advice. Their helpline number is 0800 028 1456. cas.org.uk  

Their Money Map website also has information on benefits, grants, housing costs and emergency food: Money map | Citizens Advice Scotland 

Cosy Kingdom (Fife)

Cosy Kingdom is a free and impartial energy and debt advice service available to all tenants and homeowners across Fife. www.cosykingdom.org.uk  info@cosykingdom.org.uk01592 807930 

Cranhill Development Trust (Cranhill)

Advice and support services to local people in Cranhill, covering welfare and benefits, housing issues, and food and fuel poverty. cranhilldt.org.ukinfo@cranhilldt.org.uk0141 774 3344 

Gemap (North Glasgow, East Glasgow)

Information and advice on money, welfare rights, benefits and debt. For people in North Glasgow and East Glasgow. www.gemap.co.uk enquiries@gemap.co.uk0141 773 5850 

Glasgow Helps 

Support with food and fuel, employability, mental and physical health, housing issues and more. For people living in Glasgow. www.glasgow.gov.uk/glasgowhelps | 0141 276 1185 

Mental Health and Money Advice 

Support and advice for anyone struggling with debt and poor mental health. www.mentalhealthandmoneyadvice.org


Turn2Us provides practical help to people who are struggling financially. www.turn2us.org.uk


Fuel and Energy Support

Age Scotland

Age Scotland can offer support and advice for older people, on topics including how to manage bills and use energy wisely. www.ageuk.org.uk

British Gas Energy Trust 

Individuals and families can apply for grants to clear domestic gas and electricity debts. Before applying to the Trust you must get money or debt advice first. britishgasenergytrust.org.uk

Citizens Advice Scotland 

Grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills. www.citizensadvice.org.uk

Cosy Kingdom (Fife)

Help with energy, debt advice and benefit check. www.cosykingdom.org.uk info@cosykingdom.org.uk | 01592 807930 

Energy Saving Trust 

Advice about fuel and energy costs. energysavingtrust.org.uk

Go Compare Energy Calculator

Go Compare has an energy calculator so you can check how much it costs to use different appliances. Energy Cost Calculator UK | GoCompare

Home Energy Scotland 

Free advice on saving energy and keeping warm at home. They also have a ‘funding finder’ tool which lists programmes and services that can help with financial support like debt, emergency funding and fuel vouchers. www.homeenergyscotland.org

Nest Scheme (Wales)

Nest scheme offers a range of free, impartial advice and, if you are eligible, a package of free home energy efficiency improvements such as a new boiler, central heating, insulation, or solar panels. For people who live in Wales. nest.gov.wales


Help with food


Throughout November and December, people aged 60 and cover can get soup, a roll and unlimited tea and coffees for just £1 in Asda cafes. See the list of participating stores. 

Edinburgh City Mission 

Foodbank+ is the Edinburgh City Mission network of food banks, located across 7 sites. They provide essentials for those experiencing deprivation and food poverty, on a referral basis. edinburghcitymission.org.uk

Empty Kitchens (Edinburgh)

They provide meal packs that are delivered to your door. If you or someone you know is experiencing reduced safe access to food and can benefit from the service, do get in touch with them. www.emptykitchens.co.uk

Fife Council

Listing of food banks and low cost community cafes in Fife. www.fife.gov.uk

Gorgie City Farm (Edinburgh, East Lothian, West Lothian)

Gorgie Farm operates a foodbank to help those in our community who are in the most vulnerable positions.  No proof of income is required. www.lovegorgiefarm.org.uk | gorgie@l-o-v-e.org.uk | 0131 337 4202

Pet Food Bank (Edinburgh)

Pet Food Bank provides food, jackets, collars, leads, bowls, and bedding to owners that can’t afford the things their pet needs. edch.org.uk

Trussell Trust

The Trussell Trust website has a map so you can find your local Trussell Trust food bank, their contact details and opening times. www.trusselltrust.org




Shelter offers advice to people about homelessness, rights, and other issues like repairs and housing costs. Call their free helpline on 0808 800 444. Or visit scotland.shelter.org



Birth, Baby and Beyond (Glasgow)

Help for essential baby and child items, including clothing, bedding and other essentials. The charity supports families with little or no income within the Glasgow community. birthbabybeyond.org.uk

Connect Scotland 

Connect have a listing of uniform banks and children’s clothing exchanges across Scotland. connect.scot

Clothesbank+ (Edinburgh)

For those in need of clean, warm clothing. Referral-based Clothesbank+ located in Tollcross, Edinburgh, in partnership with Central Church. edinburghcitymission.org.uk 

Grassroots Clothing (Edinburgh)

Grassroots clothing offer free to keep interview clothing to men in need. grassrootsclothingedinburgh.co.uk


Financial grants

Fashion and Textiles Children’s Trust 

Financial grants for children of UK textile or fashion families. www.ftct.org.uk


Small, one-off grants to individuals, couples and families for everyday items. www.glasspool.org.uk

Grocery Aid

GroceryAid is a charity that can provide financial grants to people who work or have worked in the grocery industry. www.groceryaid.org.uk


Motability support the independence of disabled people through the provision of grants to help with personal or other transportation. www.motability.org.uk

Retail Trust

Financial Support for those working in the retail industry and supporting roles. www.retailtrust.org.uk

Smallwood Trust

Financial grants towards cost of living – open to women ages 18 and above. www.smallwoodtrust.org.uk

Support with prison visits

Help with the cost of prison visits like travel, accommodation and meals. www.gov.uk


Look after your mental health  

Financial struggle can also have an impact on your mental health. If you need to speak to someone or find immediate support, contact: 

Breathing Space 

Breathing Space is a free, confidential, phone and webchat service for anyone in Scotland. They can provide a safe and supportive space by listening, offering advice and providing information. 

Freephone: 0800 83 85 87 

Weekdays: Monday-Thursday 6pm to 2am 
Weekend: Friday 6pm-Monday 6am 



Samaritans provide support for anyone who’s struggling to cope and who needs someone to listen.

Freephone: 116 123 

Lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

They also have an email service, letter writing service and a self-help app. You can find out more on their website. www.samaritans.org

The latest in our Meet the Partner series features LifeLink, an organisation doing great work supporting people’s mental health. Ryan Lightbody, the Marketing Manager at Lifelink, tells us about the organisation. 

Founded by a group of visionary women in Royston in 1992, Lifelink has focused since then on empowering young people and adults to manage their mental health more effectively. Over the last 29 years we have supported people to make positive changes in their lives – helping them realise their own abilities to cope with stress and develop ways of overcoming anxiety and depression.

'Our aim is for every adult and young person we support to become healthier and happier wherever they live work or learn.'

Through partnerships with the NHS, higher education providers and local businesses, we have developed an infrastructure that supports over 8,000 people per year through the delivery of one-to-one counselling and group wellbeing sessions. We do this in homes, schools, consulting rooms, community and health venues, businesses – in person, by phone or digitally. The ‘where’ we do it is of little relevance to the results and the benefits our clients experience. We are firmly focused on the ‘how’ we do it, which makes a difference to people’s lives.

We are predominantly based in Glasgow and Central Scotland. However, we are making positive strides towards expanding this geographical reach.

Two people sitting on a sofa under a sign for LifeLink

One-to-one counselling gives our clients the space and support to understand and manage their feelings, thoughts and behaviour. We offer one-to-one confidential counselling from our venues across the Glasgow area and via telephone or video sessions. Anyone who has a Glasgow postcode can access this service, free of charge, by submitting a referral using our website. Our free confidential services are also available to young people attending schools throughout Glasgow and Central Scotland.

Wellbeing classes and group therapy

Alongside one-to-one counselling, we run therapist-led group cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) sessions. These are structured around helping participants who are struggling with things like stress, anxiety and relationships. We also offer a range of interactive online wellbeing classes, which focus on developing the life skills essential to lead a happy and productive life. These one-off classes are open to any adults with a Glasgow postcode free of charge, and participants can attend as many classes as they would like.

You can see a full list of the wellbeing classes that we offer online. We can also offer wellbeing classes to young people in schools. These are focused on resolving conflicts, building confidence and managing emotions more effectively. The classes are delivered in partnership with schools on an ad hoc basis.

At Lifelink we believe that everyone’s needs are unique, and our aim is for every adult and young person we support to become healthier and happier wherever they live work or learn.

Reach our team:
Email: info@lifelink.org.uk
Phone: 0141 552 4434 
Visit: www.lifelink.org.uk
To see a full list of everyone Future Pathways works with and to find out more about support providers, view our Delivery Partners page
At Future Pathways, we try hard to provide the best service that we can. We’ve
learned a lot about how to do that since we started in 2016, but there’s more
that we can learn. And there are probably things that other organisations
could learn from us. That’s why we’ve started a new initiative called the
Action Learning Programme.

The programme will last 12 months. It will be led by a group called The Lasting Difference. They are experts in helping organisations like ours to find ways to improve what they do.

Some of the main things we’re going to do are:
  • Encourage different organisations to talk to each other and share their experiences of what worked well and what could be improved
  • Find some examples of things that people did that worked really well for survivors
  • Find ways to tackle barriers that currently make it harder for survivors to get support
Some of the ideas included looking at:
  • How important it is that we learn about and share what we do well. This includes looking at how working together with other services can help to make sure the difference we make lasts.
  • The benefits of services working together. This includes finding examples of how services have connected with each other to meet people’s needs, and how this can help us to work with more people and to make a bigger difference.
  • How to support change and have the biggest impact. This includes looking at small changes that could make a big difference to improve our ways of working and how we work with others.
  • Better understanding the people we have not been able to reach or who are not getting the most out of our support, why that is and what we might be able to do to help.

We are working with 9 delivery partners, including MindMosaic Counselling and Therapy, LinkLiving, Health in Mind Trauma Support Service, LifeLink and Robin Trewartha (Independent Counselling Psychologist). 

We’ll keep you updated on our progress. 
You can view more learning from Future Pathways in our latest Quarterly Report
Shona, who Future Pathways has been supporting, recently completed a 300-mile walk from Yorkshire to Edinburgh to raise funds for the charity Steps to Hope. It wasn’t easy – she had to overcome some tough challenges, both mental and physical. Here’s her story. 

Shona works as a mental health practitioner and a counsellor. Last year she decided that she wanted to help the charity Steps to Hope, whose work to help people suffering from homelessness and addiction is very close to her heart. So what’s the best way to help a charity called Steps to Hope? Walking, of course! 

Shona decided to do a sponsored walk from Yorkshire to the school where she works. She organised it all herself and did the walk without any support team apart from her dog, Milo, for the last few days. She carried her tent and all her other equipment herself, in a rucksack that weighed about 15kg – that’s about as heavy as an average three-year-old child. 

Shona describes the route: “I started at Helmsley, in North Yorkshire. I then followed the Cleveland Way until I got to Robin Hoods Bay on the east coast of England. And then from there I walked to Edinburgh. The route should have been 300 miles exactly, although I went off track a few times so I ended up doing 314 miles.” 

A photograph of a beach with rocks and pebbles, the sea and a cliff in the background.

View of the beach during Shona’s walk from Yorkshire to Edinburgh

Although Shona has always enjoyed going for walks, and had found it very helpful for her mental health, the idea of doing a 300-mile walk was very daunting. Shona says: “I would never have done a walk at all without all the counselling I’ve had through Future Pathways. I’ve been involved with them for about three and a half years and they’ve helped me massively. Last year my brother died, and I really wanted to do something in his memory. I just thought, ‘I’m going to push myself, I’m going to go and do it’.” Her target was to raise £2,000.”

Shona put a lot of work into training so that she was ready to tackle the walk. “I trained for six months. I’m 55 – it’s not like I’m a spring chicken – and also I broke my leg a few years ago. I would walk home from school carrying a full-weight pack: it’s nine miles from the school to my house. In the end, I decided that the only way to find out if I was fit enough to do the walk was to actually try to do it.” 

‘The walk definitely did push my boundaries but it was amazing.’

Shona started her walk in July this year. The plan was to take about two weeks to do the whole trip. In the end it took a bit longer, because – to put it mildly – Shona had to overcome some challenges along the way. On the second night, Shona’s tent was destroyed. “The winds were so wild up on the moors, and it was raining really hard so my tent was absolutely saturated, and a huge big rip went in the back of it. After that I stayed in B&Bs and hostels, but for the second bit of the walk after Berwick I camped the whole way.”  

The second bit? “Yes, near Berwick I slipped and fell on an overgrown trail. I caught my foot in some roots, tripped and split my head open and fractured my eye socket. The damage was worse because my pack was so heavy. The doctors said I had to stop, so I stopped for twelve days. And as soon as they gave me the go-ahead to go back, I went back and finished the walk. I didn’t start at the exact point where I’d fallen, so at a later point I did one trail three times to make up the miles.” 

Three people standing in the sun holding balloons with the numbers three, zero and zero

Shona celebrating the end of her 300-mile walk. 

Shona finished her walk on Sunday 14 August. She has reached her fundraising target of £2,000.

As you’d expect, Shona is delighted to have raised so much money for the Steps for Hope charity, and says that she found the experience personally rewarding too. “I ended up seeing incredible sights. I saw wild dolphins near me while I was swimming in the sea. I sat on remote beaches where Arctic Terns, thousands of them, were nesting on the rocks, and I sat and just watched them for hours. I also meet some really lovely people.”  

“The walk definitely did push my boundaries, but it was amazing. And I couldn’t have done it without Future Pathways. They paid for my travel to Yorkshire, and my tent, my hostels after that was destroyed, and then a replacement tent for the second part of the walk after my fall.”  

Shona deserves all the credit for her achievement. And it wasn’t easy. “It challenged me physically, even with the amount of training that I did, because your body is not used to getting up every day and doing that amount of walking every single day. But the counsellor I have is amazing. She said, ‘You can totally do this.’

“The first week was my worst week, thinking: ‘I’m so anxious about being out of my comfort zone, about being in an unfamiliar space, being isolated.’ But I remembered that actually I just needed to keep on putting one foot in front of the other. And at the age of 55, to finish 300 miles, I actually think that’s pretty amazing.” 

The fundraising is still going if you’d like to make a contribution: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Shona-Mcinally 

The latest in our Meet the Partner feature looks at the Community Brokerage Network. Based in Ayrshire, they help people to access social care. Alison Findlay, Director, tells us more. 
What does the Community Brokerage Network do? 

The Community Brokerage Network (CBN) helps people who have social care needs because of poor health or disabilities. With the person, we work out what assistance they need to make their lives better and how that could best be provided to fit in with them and their carers’ or families lives.  

We believe people are experts in their own care, although at times they might need some help to work out what that looks like and how it is best provided. 

For a brief introduction to our work, take a look at the animation: 

How does it work? 

A broker would be assigned to a person, and would then spend time getting to know them well and helping them work out how their lives might be improved. The broker would then explore sources of support to make that difference. 

This support might be already available in the community – maybe a pre-existing group or activity – or it might need to be put in place by formal services such as social work.  

The broker is there to help the person work this out, and to make them aware of what is available so that they can have as much choice in how they receive help as possible. 

Is there a cost for this help? 

Community Brokerage is free to use, as it funded by the Scottish Government’s Support in the Right Direction (SiRD) funding stream. 

How can you find a local broker? 

CBN is funded to work in Ayrshire, but there are brokerage services also available in other areas of Scotland.  

How does brokerage fit with Future Pathways? 

CBN has been working in partnership with Future Pathways for four years. The main Broker skills – finding out what people are wanting to help enhance their lives then sourcing the appropriate support – have been completely transferrable to helping people in areas beyond social care. 

Since we started working with Future Pathways, we have been introduced to several people across Scotland who have identified they need help do things like secure employment, or do further training or education. 

'Our main role is to encourage them to believe in their own strength.'

Michelle is the Broker who has undertaken most of the Future Pathways work.
Michelle, what has been your experience of working with Future Pathways? 

The support that CBN offers to people involved with Future Pathways is similar in many ways to brokerage.  

Within the role of a broker, there are fundamental skills: being able to listen, not only to what a person says but to what they do not say. Using active listening and reflective skills to help a person realise that they do have dreams and desires. Supporting someone to feel valued. Helping them to understand their rights. Supporting them to be seen as people, rather than problems. Supporting themselves to do the same. Encouraging self-efficacy and decision making. 

These skills are also required to do work with someone in need of support to find their own pathway in the world. There is obviously a difference in the people who use the two services. However, in my experience the fears and uncertainties, while from a different place, tend to be similar in both sets of people.  

In my time working with Future Pathways, I have found that the support needed to deal with services and third-party agencies is the same for anyone who needs to connect. They feel unworthy, ‘less than’ and invisible. Our main role is to encourage them to believe in their own strength, and validate how they feel while continually working towards independence from the service. 

Ultimately the goal, whether it be with CBN or Future Pathways, is the same: to leave the person that you are working with better equipped, more independent and able to manage their own lives.  

To find out more about the work of the Community Brokerage Network, visit their website
To see a full list of everyone Future Pathways works with and to find out more about support providers, view our Delivery Partners page


Logo for Community Brokerage Network with the name of the organisation
Our latest Quarterly Report is now available to view. It covers our work from April to June 2022 and what we’ve learnt, highlighted by key stats and first-hand experiences from those who access Future Pathways.

This quarter:

  • People increasingly used our newsletter and website to stay connected to Future Pathways.
  • We contacted 112 people from our waitlist.
  • 85% of people who registered with us live in Scotland.
  • 41% of people heard about us by word of mouth.
  • We supported 215 people to access support.
  • We referred people to 40 delivery partners. 45% of these referrals were for record searches, and 32% were for counselling support. 
  • Most people who completed reviews told us we had helped have a positive impact.
  • People told us Future Pathways helped with building positive relationships, developing their confidence, and made them feel supported and able to enjoy things.
Survivors are aware of support and come forward to access assistance
Where do the people we work with live?

Our full report features further infographics, a range of case studies and a breakdown of our financial spend. Read the full report.

The Scottish Government has issued a note confirming that Scotland’s Redress Scheme is on schedule to open for applications in December this year.

More details in the link: https://www.gov.scot/…/financial-redress-for-survivors-of-…/

Since 2016 Future Pathways has been delivered by Health in Mind, Penumbra, Glasgow Psychological Trauma Services (often called ‘The Anchor’) and the Mental Health Foundation (MHF).

With the Future Pathways contract renewal announced last year becoming effective on March 31st, the MHF has decided this is the right time for them to step back from the Future Pathways Alliance to focus on their research, policy, campaigning and innovation work.

Please note that work previously supported by MHF will continue with support from other partners.

Rikki first got in touch with Future Pathways over two years ago, at the time he was in a dark place, he described feeling ‘at the end of his tether’ and he wasn’t looking after himself. Since then Rikki’s life has changed. Through conversations with his Support Coordinator Rikki discovered what was important to him and how he wanted to work with Future Pathways.

He worked towards some different outcomes, one of which was about valuing himself and feeling able to prioritise his own physical and mental wellbeing by reigniting his love of travel and exploration through, first, a short break and then a “trip of a lifetime”. Since then Rikki has travelled all over the UK and to Europe. His confidence has grown immensely. He eventually felt able to do something he’d always dreamed of a trip to South America to attend the cultural and spiritual festival Tribal Gathering. However Rikki was left stranded in Panama as the global pandemic COVID-19 struck. Here Ricky tells us about how Future Pathways was able to make sure he was supported in unforeseen and challenging circumstances. 

Working towards goals and a trusted relationship

Travelling and meeting new people was identified to help Rikki progress the outcome of valuing himself and placing a priority on his own wellbeing. With Future Pathways’ help, Rikki had been gradually starting to travel again over the last year, something that he used to take great pleasure in as part of his career as a food supplier for KLM.

The beginning of this year was hard for Rikki after his mother passed away. He got back in touch with Future Pathways because he recognised he needed some support to manage how he was feeling.

My support coordinator really was there for me in that time

Rikki and his support coordinator recognised the importance of prioritising his wellbeing at this difficult time, and they talked about different options that could help him feel better. He decided he would travel within the UK to attend a Reiki retreat. He connected with the people he met there and left feeling more confident.

After this retreat, some encouragement from his support coordinator and a friend, and using his own funds, he travelled to Panama in South America for Tribal Gathering, a festival that brings indigenous cultures to people from across the world, connecting people to the earth and to each other. He arrived at the festival on the 29th of February, he was initially due to stay there for three weeks and travel back home in late March.

Feeling connected, at peace and truly himself

Ricky had an incredible time at the festival. There was indigenous music, workshops, and community spirit. 

It was so humbling there was a lot of love and feelings between everyone. I felt like a proud Grandfather, like this is the sort of world I want to stay in. I met people from many different places. I was able to use all the languages I’ve learned in my life at the festival.” 

He also tapped into his own creativity and felt able to be truly himself; “my camping area had my Scottish flag and butchers’ apron, everyone knew where to find me!”. Rikki described feeling at peace, that he let go temporarily of some of his pain in both a spiritual and physical sense.

Unexpected challenges

Around the same time Rikki was supposed to leave the festival, he started to hear people talk about the global pandemic, COVID-19. The festival continued despite the news, but it was eventually closed as Panama entered a state of emergency.

Things became stressful when Rikki was evacuated from the festival when it was closed due to the pandemic. Rikki lost some of his belongings at this point. He then discovered that this flight back to the UK had been cancelled, as had most outgoing flights from Panama.

Rikki had made friends with the festival organisers and other people from the UK at the festival, so he didn’t feel alone. He managed to remain calm because he’d been staying in a peaceful place; “where could you go if your flight has been cancelled apart from where you are?

Rikki and his friends from the UK were given a place to stay while Panama remained in lockdown and Rikki could not get home. At this point he contacted Future Pathways for some support.

Future Pathways was flexible and adaptable in a time of crisis

Rikki ended up being in stuck in Panama for over two months, returning home on May 11th, his original flight home was on March 20th.

Access to essentials

Support coordinators offered a trusted ear. When he was feeling stressed about his situation, they helped him to navigate complications. For example, when he was worried about not being able to afford the essentials for his prolonged stay, like food and accommodation, Future Pathways stepped in.

”Knowing I could go back to my cabin and that I had paid upfront for two weeks because [support coordinator] had helped me to pay for it, that was the thing… it put my mind at ease.”

Rikki had only brought enough medication for his initial three-week trip and after over a week without his medication, he noticed some of his symptoms returning. Rikki knew his prescription, so his support coordinator contacted his GP to discuss what equivalent medication Rikki should seek out in Panama, he was then able to source what he needed at a local pharmacy.

Coordinated support to help with mental health

Future Pathways also contacted Rikki’s NHS Psychologist who then called him remotely on a few occasions, this was really beneficial.  “I was in a lot of pain and was questioning my sanity, I started dissecting my trauma, yes I’m feeling all the love, but I wanted to come back home.

Rikki made the best of the time he was stuck in Panama. He helped to invigorate the hotel grounds and cared for a horse that needed to be groomed and fed. He made lifelong friends and found a sense of community. He was able to remain calm because Future Pathways support was there behind him.

The experience has made the world feel that bit smaller

Getting home

“Future Pathways felt like the Thunder Birds, coming to save me.”

Rikki managed to get a seat on the first humanitarian flight out of Panama. He had established contact with the British Embassy in Panama, and his support coordinator helped them understand that Rikki should be prioritised because of his health needs.

“It was learning for me, not to be hard on myself because it was out of my control. I shouldn’t give myself such a hard time, I have to live for now, not tomorrow, it’s liberating to think like that.”

Future Pathways was able to provide Rikki with essential support in what was an extremely stressful situation. By listening to his concerns, tuning into what he needed and providing calm and constructive support, Rikki was able to manage and make the best of his circumstances. 

“I know [Future Pathways] must have bent over backwards for the help they gave me, the trust is there, Future Pathways listen to me, you take your time to listen.”

News that £9 million of funding has been granted to allow Future Pathways to run for even longer has been welcomed.

The Scottish Government has announced that it will fund the project for a further two years until at least 2023.

Flora Henderson, Alliance Manager for Future Pathways, said: “This welcome announcement will allow for further continued support to survivors of historical child abuse in care, in Scotland.

“Future Pathways offers tailored support to survivors of abuse or neglect and helps them to lead full, healthy and independent lives. Although over 1,400 survivors have already registered with us, we know there are more people out there who have had similar experiences and who could really benefit from our help and support.

“I would like to highlight the dedication of the Future Pathways team, our partners and importantly, the people we work with – their valued support has contributed enormously to the project’s continued success.”

Mental Health Minister for Scotland Clare Haughey said: “The support provided by Future Pathways is vital to help people abused or neglected as children while in care to lead full, healthy and independent lives. “It’s one of a number of initiatives which the government is funding to support those abused while in care.”