A year in view: our support and impact in 2024 

As 2024 draws to a close, we want to take this opportunity to reflect on the support people have accessed at Future Pathways, and the difference this has made to people’s lives.  

Our latest impact report published this year showed that our support is vitally important to many people registered with us for many reasons. For example, we know that many people we support experience multiple health and social inequalities, such as living in areas where services can be more difficult to access.  

Our work focuses on addressing these inequalities so that people with lived experience of in-care abuse and neglect can live full, healthy and independent lives. While each person’s journey at Future Pathways is unique, this snapshot of our work this year shows that our support has, in different ways, helped many people find their own way to a better life.  

This data was drawn from January to November 2024.

People continued to register with and access support at Future Pathways. This year:
197 people registered with us
74 people started accessing support at Future Pathways
People continue to give us feedback that our trauma informed approach is effective. 
22 people gave us feedback by completing a feedback form during or after their support
Everyone who completed these feedback forms shared that they feel Future Pathways understands them and their needs.
“They listened – they cared – they supported me.”
18 out of 22 people supported by Future Pathways feel we care about them.
18 out of 22 people we support feel they can trust Future Pathways.
People continued to access a wide range of different types of support through Future Pathways.  
573 people made a support plan with their Support Coordinator
at least 118 people accessed support from our network of 51 Delivery Partners
We continued to support people to access existing services, such as statutory and third sector services.
over 512 people accessed support through our Discretionary Fund
18 out of 22 people we support feel they can access the right support for them.
People continue to share that our work contributes to a big difference in their lives
520 people reviewed their support with their Support Coordinator.
17 out of 22 people we support feel more hopeful about the future
15 out of 22 people we support feel they are now more independent
15 out of 22 people we support feel their life is now better overall
Future Pathways […] provided all the necessary tools and support for me to make massive changes in my life. Future Pathways supported me in having a voice and I am forever grateful for the support emotionally and practically. This has given me the confidence to speak up for myself and all survivors and to progress forward with a sense of worth and purpose.
(Person supported by Future Pathways)
The feedback we received has also helped us reflect on how we could improve.  

In 2025, we are looking forward to:  

  • exploring what peer support will look like at Future Pathways 
  • creating more opportunities for people we support to influence how we develop 
  • learning more about the impact of our work with existing services, such as statutory and third sector services 

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to share their experience with us this year. Your feedback helps us understand the impact we make and to keep learning and improving. 

Find out more about the difference we make. 

Pathways to Change is our latest impact report. Here, we take an in-depth look at the work of Future Pathways from April 2023 to March 2024. This report helps us to gain a deeper insight into how we make a real difference, and where there is scope for improvement.   

We want to hear from you 

You can give feedback about Future Pathways at any time by filling in the form on the website: www.future-pathways.co.uk/feedback   

If you would like to get a copy of the feedback form by post instead, you can let us know by:   

  • phoning us for free on 0808 164 2005 (open Monday-Friday, 10am to 4pm)  
  • writing to us at Future Pathways, 40 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh EH2 4RT  
  • speaking to your Support Coordinator   

If you fill in a feedback form, the answers you give will be anonymous. This means that you do not have to provide your name or any personal details. 

Read more

Being There

Our latest report, Being There, looks at the prevalence of multiple unmet basic needs among people we support. The report also considers the barriers people face when accessing support and how we can help people to navigate these barriers.

Thumbs up and speech bubble

Existing Services Survey

If you work in the third sector or in a statutory service, we’d like to know what you think of Future Pathways. Take part in our latest survey for services.

The Gathering 2025

Join us at The Gathering at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on Tuesday 4 February and Wednesday 5 February to discover more.

Register with us today

It’s easy to get in touch – either by phone, email, or you can fill in this simple form to register your interest or find out more.