A massage school offering trauma-informed treatment has joined Future Pathways as a Support Provider.
The Glasgow School of Massage offers training courses as well as various therapies to help address people’s wellbeing.
Head tutor and therapist Rachel Black offers a private treatment clinic to the public with a range of specialised massage treatments including therapeutic massage, scar management, aromatherapy, oncology massage, and manual lymphatic drainage.
Rachel is adversity and trauma informed. She understands the impact of trauma and that it must be recognised and that re-traumatisation must be avoided at all times. She said: “Trauma can have long lasting impact and directly affect the individual and their environment. Sometimes, this requires significant social, emotional, neurobiological, psychological or behavioural adaptation.”
Rachel added: “After recently starting to work with Future Pathways we are looking forward to continuing our work offering a vital space and modality for clients to experience safe touch, relaxation, comfort, tension relief and conscious attention.”
The Glasgow School of Massage is a trusted provider of accredited (Accredited by the FHT, Federation of Holistic Therapists) professional courses and recognised qualifications for beginners to established therapists. All training is insurable for professional use.
Survivors who are registered with Future Pathways are being invited to take part in a series of feedback events across Scotland.
The engagement sessions are an opportunity for people receiving support from the organisation to share their opinions and ideas about the service.
It is very important to hear directly from survivors about how the service is doing and how it can be improved for everyone who is registered.
The events are taking place in:
Dundee – September 12th;
Galashiels – September 16th;
Stirling – September 24th;
Aberdeen – September 26th.
Each meeting will consist of up to 10 people and will include an update about Future Pathways. The aim is that they will take place in a safe and comfortable setting.
To register, please email the Communications and Engagement team on engagement@future-pathways.co.ukor by calling 0141 226 9852. You can also speak to your Support Coordinator if you are interested.